medicine mama
tending the temple
Earth medicines, holistic living, and conscious Motherhood
In order for us to even begin the path of embodiment, we must cultivate an awareness of self-love through self care and conscious choices in regards to how we are living. We currently live in a highly toxic world, and unfortunately are sold food, water, air, bath products, cleaning products, and “medicines” that actually degrade and disease our organisms, rather than bringing about true nurturance and Wellness. Mainstream “doctors” treat their patients primarily based around pharmaceutical profit and misinformation, rather than treating the whole human mind/body spirit complex, and providing actual living medicines to restore overarching balance and homeostasis. The body truly knows how to heal itself, should we provide it with proper nutrients and clean elemental conditions.
So… the horrible beauty of this, is we must learn to educate and empower ourselves, take full responsibility for our own health, and remember the true medicine path.
For ongoing information and references in regards to this path of holistic living, vaccine truth, organic living, natural birth, and earth-mothering, follow me on Instagram and be sure to catch my stories. Instagram is a powerful platform where holistic doctors, midwives, and other educators are sharing important information, so come join this online community and be prepared to be inspired into new ways of living!
Below are a few of my favorite daily must-have supplements that I deeply believe are crucial allies for humanity’s healing. If you buy them from the link I provide, at no extra expense to you, I get a little kickback to support my own and my dear family’s medicine path.
Win win! Enjoy!
My medicine allies
Daysy 2.0 Fertility Tracker
I believe our greatest ally for communing with our bodies natural rhythms with confidence and grace is the modern tool of fertility trackers! I have been off all types of birth control since my early 20’s, and relying on my own knowledge of the tides of my body, met with conscious decision-making and self-responsibility, to navigate family planning.
I am thrilled about this new 2.0 version of the Daysy Fertiity Tracker, which now utilizes Bluetooth to connect to an app on my phone to provide data about my ovulation cycles! All I do is take my temp in the morning, transfer the data to my phone app (optional), and receive red, green, and yellow light notifications on when I am likely fertile! So easy and clear!
Follow the link to the left or use the code: DaysyUS+213 to receive a $20 discount on your tracker!
pure himalayan shilajit
use the code “trinityrose” for $ off
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