I so look forward to hearing from you!
Send inquiries on hosting Monique for a workshop or performance, book an in-person or online private session, to rent the Dakini Rose Gardens for your own workshop or event, or any other requests or curiosities.
Our Dakini Rose Headquarters
Talent/Ashland, Oregon USA
Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, & email:
✨🌹Temple vibes🌹✨
Red curtains for when a wall of mirrors is just a wee too invasive... 😆
Nearly 9 months ago I gave birth to my daughter in this sacred space. The curtains were closed, and I left them closed for a few months in honor of our 4th Trimester time of nesting and inner communion. Opening the curtains was done with ritual intention, aware that the woman I would see in the reflection was not the woman I saw before. That life and my dance was opening into a definitive new chapter after this second motherhood initiation.
I can’t imagine my life without the sacrosanct cauldron of ongoing ritual. The act of intention manifest, the science of magic, the recognition and honoring of cycles, the bookmarks within a multidimensional hero’s journey. Ritual and ceremony is not just for weddings and graduations. It is something we can create for ourselves and our families in any timeless moment, until life itself becomes one ongoing ritual of Beauty in all its colors. ♥️🌹♥️
Thank you @golddustgoods for the gift of these beautiful red curtains! ♥️
#ritual #templelife #dakinirosegardens #postpartumjourney #childbirthinitiation #naturalbirth #homebirth #ritualmagic #dancetemple #templedancer #yogamom #powerofprayer #beautyway
ONE WEEK until our new Temple Fusion series begins, Ashlandians!
I have one full SCHOLARSHIP to give to a local sister who could use a little assistance to join us! Find more info a few posts back, and apply by this Friday to be considered!
Drop-ins will be available, though I do recommend attending the full series if possible, as each week we will be learning a series of foundational drill combos that will be a new staple within our Dakini Rose Format. Excited to share the developments!!
Can't wait to dance with you all!!! And insta sisters, more online classes will be coming soon 🙌🏻🌹
Photo of myself, @ruthrhiannon1 , and @hermysteryschool as the Dakini Rose Devadasi at Pranafest a few years back .
#dancetemple #templedance #firedance #holytrinity #templefusion #templetribal #tribalfusion #tribalfusionbellydance #bellydance #yogafestival #dakinirosedevadasi #ashlandoregon #dakinirose #moniquetrinityrose
Why technique and not just flow?
Over the past decade+ of teaching, I have had many sisters of mine say something like, “Yeah, I absolutely revere your dance expression, but dance class just isn’t for me. I just love to be in my own flow on the dance floor. I can’t stand someone telling me how to move.”
And trust me, I totally get it. There is a very important medicine in organic flow movement that truly must extend beyond all structure or external influence. As a lifelong trained dancer, I also must sometimes drop into the pure void where all the lines blur and a transcendental expression beyond human influence spills through me... clearing stuck patterns, releasing tension and judgement, and channeling divine wisdom that does not even need to register what is happening in the 3D.
AND... like all things, there is a balancing opposition counterpoint to this. And that balancing quality of expansion is STRUCTURE. Yin and yang, masculine and feminine. Both equally necessary and relevant within all things macro and micro.
Dance technique bridges and creates new neuro pathways within the mind-body complex. It literally paves expansive new possibilities in how we manifest ourselves in the world on every level of our being. It pushes us beyond what is familiar and comfortable, forces us to grow through the challenge and awkwardness of the leading edge, and through discipline and persistence, births us out the other side more realized, stronger, more fluid, and more full of GRACE.
There have been studies that show that people who train in dance are significantly less likely to degrade into Alzheimer’s and Dementia as we age. Plus we stay fit and embodied. Plus- WTF, we’re effing dancing and it’s awesome!! 🤗🙌🏻
Ashland sisters, join me starting next Tuesday for our last series of 2018! Global sisters, find me on Powhow until the end of Nov for online classes, and stay tuned for a new wave of Temple Fusion and Ritual Embodiment online offerings soon... 🌹🌹🌹
Amazing photo collage by @luna.lingua .
#dancemedicine #dancetechnique #dancerforlife #whywedance #flow #discipline #flowstate #templefusion #templetribal #tribalfusion #bellydance
Real life in the Temple studio with my dance sister @ruthrhiannon1 💖🌙
Post Odissi Stepping practice yoga, item refreshing, baby crawling around, sharing story, breastfeeding... in the day to day reality of our lives as artist Mothers. Some years she’s the one breastfeeding, now it’s me... Continuing to come home to our beloved dance through it all ♥️🌹
So grateful for every piece of the whole. Love you, sister!! 😘
Ps. Ashland, come join Ruth in Odissi on Thursdays, and myself for Temple Fusion on Tuesdays! DM or find us on FB for more info
#odissi #classicalindiandance #templelife #dancetemple #motherartist #sisterhood #dakinirosegardens #liveyourpassion #fullspectrumwoman #dancerlife #yogamom #ashlandoregon #southernoregon